Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Jesus King of Kings and King of 5 Year Olds

One of things we do in kindergarten to learn beginning sounds is sort pictures or toys by the letter they start with.  Today it was things that start with P, L, and K.  One of the toys I showed the kiddos was a king. One girl kept referring to it as Jesus. Always the teacher, I first talked about king starting with a K and Jesus starting with a J.  Then I asked her if she thought the king looked like Jesus. With a huge grin on her face she replied, "I said it because Jesus is our King." Yep, I gave her a high five right there in public school.

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

            Luke 19:38

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snearest Adults and Other Assumptions

At my school, when a student is needed or is late getting to the room after recess, an announcement comes over the intercom: "Johnny Smith please go to the nearest adult." After one such announcement one of my kiddos raised his hand and asked, "What's a snearest adult?"

Upon further discussion I realized, cuteness aside, he didn't understand the term "nearest adult."  As I explained to him what it meant, I noticed other kiddos having light bulb moments.  Oh, so that is what it means. We had been in school 101 days (kindergarten teachers keep track of such things.) and each of those days I had made an assumption. I thought my students would know how to respond if their name was called.   After 20+ years of  hanging out with 5 year olds, I should have known better.

How many times do I assume the nearest adults in my life understand what I mean?  Would fewer assumptions mean fewer misunderstandings? Something to think about.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding
Proverbs 3:5

Monday, February 3, 2014

Apparently Snow is a Christmas Thing

The snow had all but melted when the ground hog saw his shadow and 2 inches of snow blanketed the ground on February 3.  I had recess duty and a 3rd grader kicked the snow as she slowly walked by. She looked up at me and said, "I can't believe it snowed!"  I smiled and reminded her that the ground hog did see it's shadow.  Not even phased, she shrugged and said, "But Christmas is such a long way away."

Apparently snow is a Christmas thing.