The first day for the kids to do their workbook page and put it back without having a grownup check it.
I told them when they were done:
to check to make sure they wrote their name
to check to make sure they circled a Gg
to check t0 make sure they wrote 2 Gs
to check to make sure they circled all the Gs in the box
T. showed me his paper. "I even checked the goat."
The first day for the kids to do their workbook page and put it back without having a grownup check it.
I told them when they were done:
to check to make sure they wrote their name
to check to make sure they circled a Gg
to check t0 make sure they wrote 2 Gs
to check to make sure they circled all the Gs in the box
T. showed me his paper. "I even checked the goat."