Thursday, January 16, 2014

Personal Space? Hurt Feelings? Pssh! I teach Kindergarten!

Oh the joys of a kindergarten classroom. One of my students said to me last week, "Mrs. Terrell why does your hair look funny?"  I quickly tried to smooth it down and went back to teaching the importance of the letter "P."  Someone asked if that comment hurt my feelings.  Actually my hair was a bit unruly that day.  In fact, I scheduled a haircut as soon as I got home.  Hurt feelings? Nah!  If I had a personal space or easily hurt feelings I wouldn't be hanging out with 5 year-olds.  Those precious, hug-able, lovable, unfiltered beings who make me laugh one minute and sigh the next.

Today I was showing another girl how to make the letter "g."  She, like most other kinders at one time or another, started writing the letter from the bottom, writing upward.  I told her to start from the top and she quickly moved her pencil to the top of the page. Yep, I had to laugh at that one, but not out loud of course.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.  Matthew 19:14

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